
Showing posts from June, 2021
   THINK AND GROW RICH .........          ( PART 3) ponder over the strainers of life may be found in your own mind through some idea plan or purpose which may spring into your mind as you read one of the reasons why  you would read a book like this or listen to an audio like this is so that you are being evoked insights and perspectives certain insights and perspectives are generated as a result of your thought and your mind being in a certain vibrational frequency as you are connecting and experiencing this information now I'm talking about vibe here ok so again not to get too far out there but when you read something that inspires you and uplifts you or you are consuming some information that makes you feel great even so much as to music notice how you think differently notice how you see reality different if you're experiencing anger and frustration it seems to have gone away it just disappears that's what I'm talking about when ...
 THINK AND GROW RICH .........          ( PART 2)   at things and based on all that and a bunch of more dynamics they create effect through the actions that are taken and sometimes even through the inaction there's a same way we wait action through inaction sometimes a thought be it a negative thought causes you to take an action that self sabotages and brings you back as far as progress goes hinders your progress or sets you back when having an alternative thought would have not caused you to take the action and by not taking that action you actually you essentially   accelerate your results you accelerate and move faster because he didn't do the action that hinder to your progress and it all starts with thought so what we need to do is we need to evaluate what we're thinking and make sure we're thinking a certain way thinking in terms of success consciousness thinking in terms of wealth consciousness or thinking in terms of whatever consc...