THINK AND GROW RICH .........          ( PART 3)

ponder over the strainers of life may be found in your own mind through some idea plan or purpose which may spring into your mind as you read one of the reasons why 
you would read a book like this or listen to an audio like this is so that you are being evoked insights and perspectives certain insights and
perspectives are generated as a result of your thought and your mind being in a certain vibrational frequency as you are connecting and experiencing this information now I'm talking about vibe here ok so again not to get too far out there but when you read something that inspires you and uplifts you or you are
consuming some information that makes you feel great even so much as to music notice how you
think differently notice how you see reality different if you're experiencing anger and frustration it seems to have gone away it just disappears that's what I'm talking about when you're at a lower vibration you experience more anger fear or frustration and this kind of information can even seem kind of stressful in those kind of situations but because you've already experienced and all of us have high points in our life when we have a lot of confidence when things just seems to flow results just to seem to happen in some circumstance of our life we've experienced it so we can put ourselves back in that state we can put ourselves back in that state of mind and we do that by following the principles contained within this book and when we do it we generate the ideas and not just random ideas ideas that are based on creating results that are win-win for you your clients your prospects etc that come from a place of abundance they're not driven by scarcity or fear like that and these ideas will pop up and pop up quite frequently the more you maintain this state of mind okay so you might be feeling it now as you are reading this might be feeling a heightened sense of empowerment a heightened sense of vibration a more empowered feeling and what you want to do is you want to maintain it okay while you're going through the listening and then even after and as you maintain it notice the ideas that pop into your mind before you go any further in our approach to the description of these principles we believe you are entitled to receive this important suggestion when riches begin to come they come so quickly in such great abundance that one wonders where they have been hiding during all those lean years this is an outstanding statement and all the more so when we take into consideration the popular belief that riches come only to those who work hard and long now when  the bullion is saying here is that he's not saying that you don't work and you don't put an don't take action it's saying that we need to disconnect and understand something very important we can do things in a way we were inspired uplifted energized and motivated our vibe is high our Energy's high and as a result of it evoke insights perspectives be able to see opportunities that we wouldn't have seen before because we're in mourning and powered state very much related to the concept of flow by Mihai Csikszentmihalyi .
more likely to execute on opportunities with confidence speed and decision which are elements of success then when you are frustrated stressed-out etc and what a lot of people find themselves in our opportunities and jobs and whatever businesses that they don't Knight to do necessarily they're stressed out they're frustrated and even if that produces money they'll still stick with it because they believe that there is no other way and we need to disconnect from that there are many people myself included that have found ways to work to create value to build businesses etc that inspire uplift and excite and keep a person at a higher state of consciousness wealth consciousness abundance way of looking at reality versus scarcity and so forth that actually has an effect on the amount of success we can create the amount of wealth we can create I think about this for a moment you have 24 hours in a day and let's say you sleep eight hours what do you do with the rest of the time is going to determine the kind of results you get based on the effort that you put in as far as value and we're talking about creating valuefor others the truth is this you are always going to get paid in return based on the value you create for others based on what value means to them we can't tell people what value is we have to learn to understand people so we can see what value is for them and create products services that are needed and useful and offer it to them and when they buy it fulfill on it to a high degree high level of quality high level of expertise and then you get paid well furred that's how wealth shows up that doesn't necessarily mean it requires a person to be stressed out and perform work where they're burnt out and another way of looking at this is think about when you go to a restaurant and the staff and the chef and everybody involved in that restaurant is absolutely passionate about what they do they have a great sense of excitement and pride on the value they create based on the food that they serve and the experiences that they generate for those that come to the restaurant wouldn't you rather go to a restaurant like that versus going to a restaurant that maybe has really good food but people are stressed out in there they have inefficient processes they don't really
know what they're doing to the point where their axe we projecting that energy over to the customer and souring the experience I know from personal experience I rather pick the first restaurant so we need to
disconnect ourselves from the idea that riches and abundance comes from this hard work in the sense of stress hey we're talking to you can dedicate your entire day doing things that you're passionate about that will create value for others and a day will go by and it would be like you were playing the whole day you were just having fun this is what we're talking about we need to be able to have longevity here if you're doing something that stresses you out there's only a certain amount of time you can do that for those that work very hard and stress themselves out to create money don't VAT a last very long and if they do they get their stressed-out frustrated experiencing all kinds of physical mental and emotional issues
when they get there and a lot of times it impacts their family life etc and so we need to rethink how we do that when you begin to think & Grow Rich you will observe that riches begin with the state of mind with
definiteness of purpose with little or no hard work now how can this be true well look at sales for example sales is the highest paid profession if you have the ability and the confidence to find the ideal prospects and connect them with a product or service in which you make good money either from commission
or you sell your own products or services you can do that all day and make a lot of money and in order for
somebody to be successful at selling ya they have to know how to sell them you
have to understand the selling principles they have to read books like spin selling by Neil Rackham of way of the wolf by Jordan Belfort which I did a video on I put a link in the description they have to understand all that but they also have to bring with them a certain way of thinking a certain way of
looking at reality they have to rewrite the meaning of rejection they have to
rewrite the meaning of what most people consider to be persistent they have to rewrite all kinds of
meanings that other people will look at from a disempowering perspective while
experiencing the process of selling and when they have this right state of mind they exude passion and when they have this exuding of passion when they're excited to do what they do they're more
actively able to look for how to optimize their selling they're more likely to attract a higher level client because I don't know about you but I personally do not like to deal with the salesperson that's unpleasant whether it be a real estate agent or a broker or a client or whoever and what I've noticed is that I've gotten a lot of feedback based on working on this and the realization of this that some of my clients reveal to me that the reason why they like working with me is because it's fun because it's pleasant because
it doesn't seem stressful we still get 

Continue to next part 4….......


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